
Work with Requestor accounts. Basic Authentication is needed by default.

POST api/Account/ValidateUser

Verifies credentials compared with Requestor user accounts. Basic Authentication is NOT needed.

GET api/Account/GetRequestorUser/{id}

Gets the details about user's account.

POST api/Account/CreateRequestorUser

Creates a new user account by administrator.

POST api/Account/ChangePasswordForEmailKey

Verify whether there is a key and sets a new password. Basic Authentication is NOT needed.

GET api/Account/ChangePasswordValidateEmailKey/{id}

Verify whether there is a key. Basic Authentication is NOT needed.

POST api/Account/ChangePasswordGenerateEmailWithEmailKey

Generate email for change password. Administrator role authetication required.

POST api/Account/SaveUserProfile

Updates user's profile.

POST api/Account/ChangePassword

Changes user's password.

POST api/Account/ResetPassword

Reset user's password.

GET api/Account/GetUsers?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets the list of users. The role of administrator or operator is required. An operator can access according to the customer module access settings. Pagination is supported.

POST api/Account/GetUsers

Gets the list of users based on advanced filtering. The role of operator or higger is required and if user is operator, the user must have it enabled in the customer settings. Pagination is supported.

POST api/Account/CreateUserAnonymously

Creates new user account anonymously. Basic Authentication is NOT needed.

POST api/Account/DeleteRequestorUser

Deletes the user by the provider key. The role of administrator is required.

POST api/Account/UpdateRequestorUser

Updates user's information. The role of administrator is required.

PATCH api/Account/PatchRequestorUser/{id}

Updates user's information.

GET api/Account/GetUserHistory?username={username}&pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets user's history of activities. Pagination is supported.

POST api/Account/GetUserHistory

Gets users' history of activities. Pagination is supported.

GET api/Account/SearchForUser?term={term}&customerId={customerId}&pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

DEPRECATED. Use SearchUsers instead. Gets a list of users where the searched text is found in his/her fullname, email, login, phone numbers or customer name. The role of superoperator or administrator is required. Pagination is supported.

GET api/Account/GetPhoto/{id}?maxWidth={maxWidth}&maxHeight={maxHeight}

Gets the photo for user.

GET api/Account/GetUserFields

Gets user fields.

POST api/Account/SearchUsers

Searches users by posted parameters.

POST api/Account/AllowLogon

Allow or deny user to logon into application.

POST api/Account/ChangeUserName

Changes user's username.

POST api/Account/AddTag

Add Tag to User.

POST api/Account/RemoveTag

Remove Tag from User.

GET api/Account/GetTags/{id}?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all User's Tags. Pagination is supported.

POST api/Account/AddSecondaryEmail

Add Secondary email to User.

POST api/Account/RemoveSecondaryEmail

Remove Secondary email from User.

POST api/Account/SetAsPrimaryEmail

Set Secondary email as primary email.


Work with Activities. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/Activities/GetActivities?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Activities. Pagination is supported.

GET api/Activities/GetActivity/{id}

Gets the Activity's details.


Work with categories. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/Categories/GetTicketCategories?serviceId={serviceId}

Gets categories for ticket

GET api/Categories/GetCategory?categoryId={categoryId}

Gets category and its category items

POST api/Categories/SetTicketCategoryItems

Sets new selected category items when multiple option is used or changes selected category item when multiple option is not used

POST api/Categories/CreateCategory

Creates a category. Only Administrator can do that.

POST api/Categories/UpdateCategory

Updates the category. Only Administrator can do that.

POST api/Categories/AddCategoryItem

Adds a category item. Only Administrator can do that.

POST api/Categories/UpdateCategoryItem

Updates the category item. Only Administrator can do that.

POST api/Categories/DisableOrEnableCategoryItem?disable={disable}&categoryItemId={categoryItemId}

Disable or Enable the category item. Only Administrator can do that.

POST api/Categories/DeleteCategoryItem?categoryItemId={categoryItemId}

Deletes the category item. Only Administrator can do that.

POST api/Categories/DeleteCategory?categoryId={categoryId}

Deletes the category. Only Administrator can do that.


Work with Customers. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/Customer/GetCustomers?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Customers. Pagination is supported.

POST api/Customer/GetCustomers

Gets the list of Customers based on advanced filtering.

POST api/Customer/GetExtendedRequestorCustomers

Gets the list of Customers based on advanced filtering.

GET api/Customer/GetCustomer/{id}?identificationNumber={identificationNumber}&identificationNumberCustomTitle={identificationNumberCustomTitle}

Gets Customer's details.

GET api/Customer/GetPhoto/{id}?maxWidth={maxWidth}&maxHeight={maxHeight}

Gets the photo for user.

POST api/Customer/InsertCustomer

Inserts a new customer.

POST api/Customer/UpdateCustomer/{id}?externalId={externalId}

Updates customer's information.

PATCH api/Customer/PatchCustomer/{id}

Updates customer's information.

POST api/Customer/DeleteCustomer/{id}

Deletes customer by id

GET api/Customer/GetUsers/{id}?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets list of users for customer id.

POST api/Customer/GetExtendedRequestorUsers

Gets the list of users based on advanced filtering. The role of operator or higger is required and if user is operator, the user must have it enabled in the customer settings. Pagination is supported.

POST api/Customer/AddUser

Adds relationship between user and customer.

POST api/Customer/RemoveUser

Deletes relationship between user and customer.

POST api/Customer/UpdateUser

Updates relationship between user and customer.

GET api/Customer/GetAttachments/{id}?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Customers. Pagination is supported.

GET api/Customer/GetAttachment/{id}

Gets the attachment by id.

POST api/Customer/AddAttachment

Adds an attachment into the customer.

POST api/Customer/DeleteAttachment/{id}

Deletes the attachment by id

POST api/Customer/AddNote

Adds a note into the customer.

POST api/Customer/UpdateNote/{id}

Updates the note's information

POST api/Customer/DeleteNote/{id}

Deletes the note by id

GET api/Customer/GetNotes/{id}?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all notes for customer

GET api/Customer/GetCustomerFields

Gets customers fields

POST api/Customer/SearchCustomers

Searches customers by posted parameters

POST api/Customer/FullTextSearchCustomers

Full-Text search for Customers by posted parameters .

POST api/Customer/FullTextSearchUsers

Full-Text search for Customer users by posted parameters .

GET api/Customer/GetExtendedRequestorUser/{id}

Gets the details about Customer user's account.

GET api/Customer/GetExtendedRequestorCustomer/{id}

Gets Customer's details.

POST api/Customer/AddTag

Add Tag to Customer.

POST api/Customer/RemoveTag

Remove Tag from Customer.

GET api/Customer/GetTags/{id}?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Customer's Tags. Pagination is supported.


Work with Customer groups. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/CustomerGroups/GetCustomerGroups?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Customer groups. Pagination is supported.

GET api/CustomerGroups/GetCustomerGroup/{id}

Gets the Customer group's detail

POST api/CustomerGroups/AddCustomer

Adds relationship between customer and customer group.

POST api/CustomerGroups/RemoveCustomer

Deletes relationship between customer and customer group.


Working with custom forms. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/CustomForms/GetCustomFormField/{id}

Gets custom form field and its settings.

GET api/CustomForms/GetCustomForm/{id}

Gets custom form, its settings, custom html layout if any, its fields.

POST api/CustomForms/ImportCustomFormFieldItems

Imports items to custom form field. If item does not exist in input and the item exists in database, the item will be disabled. Intended for dropdowns only.

GET api/CustomForms/GetCustomFormsForTicket/{id}

Gets custom forms for the Ticket.

POST api/CustomForms/SetCustomFormFieldItemsPosition

Sets the positions of custom form field items based on the provided item IDs. This method updates the order of items within a custom form field of type DropDown or Checkboxlist.

GET api/CustomForms/GetCustomFormsForNewTicket?ticketType={ticketType}&serviceId={serviceId}&categoryIds[0]={categoryIds[0]}&categoryIds[1]={categoryIds[1]}

Gets custom forms for the new ticket.


Work with Documents. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/Document/GetFolders

Gets all Folders for user.

GET api/Document/GetDocuments?folder={folder}&pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets all documents for folder.

GET api/Document/GetLatestDocuments?count={count}

Gets the latest documents for user.

GET api/Document/SearchDocuments?text={text}&folderId={folderId}

Gets a list of Documents where the searched text is found.

GET api/Document/GetFile/{id}

Gets document.


Work with Requestor events. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/Events/GetEvents?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Events. Pagination is supported.

POST api/Events/GetEvents

Gets a list of Events based on advanced filtering.


Work with Requestor accounts and customers. Basic Authentication is needed by default.

POST api/Import/SyncRequestorCustomers

No documentation available.

POST api/Import/SyncRequestorUsers

Bulk create/update users. Max bulk size is 100 users. Optional parameters are cleared to its default when not provided on update.


Works with internal groups. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods. Only the role of administrator has access.

GET api/InternalGroups/GetInternalGroups?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Internal groups. Pagination is supported.

GET api/InternalGroups/GetInternalGroup/{id}

Gets Internal Group's details.

GET api/InternalGroups/NewInternalGroup

Creates a new Internal group.

POST api/InternalGroups/UpdateInternalGroup

Edits the Internal group.

POST api/InternalGroups/AddUserToInternalGroup

Adds user to internal group.

POST api/InternalGroups/RemoveUserFromInternalGroup

Removes user from internal group.

POST api/InternalGroups/SetUserCanAccessOthersTickets

Changes user can access others tickets.


Work with Knowledgebase. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/KnowledgeBase/GetCategories

Gets all categories.

GET api/KnowledgeBase/GetArticles/{id}?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}&sortColumn={sortColumn}&sortType={sortType}

Gets all articles for category.

GET api/KnowledgeBase/GetArticle/{id}

Gets article by id.

POST api/KnowledgeBase/SearchForArticles

Gets a list of Articles where the searched text is found.

GET api/KnowledgeBase/GetLatestArticles?count={count}

Gets latest articles.

GET api/KnowledgeBase/GetAttachment/{id}

Gets the article's attachment.

GET api/KnowledgeBase/GetTopArticles?count={count}

Gets top articles.

GET api/KnowledgeBase/GetRecommendedArticles

Gets recommended articles.


Work with smart phones and tables. Basic Authentication is needed by default.

POST api/MobileDevice/RegisterDevice

Registers smart phone or tablet to get push notifications.

POST api/MobileDevice/UnregisterDevice

Unregisters smart phone or tablet. Basic Authentication is NOT needed.


Work with operator groups. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/OperatorGroups/GetOperatorGroups?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all operator groups. Only the role of administrator has access. Pagination is supported.

GET api/OperatorGroups/GetOperatorGroup/{id}

Gets Operator Group's details. Only the role of administrator has access.


Work with priority. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/Priority/GetPriority/{id}

Gets priority and its values.


Work with Products. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/Products/GetProducts?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets the products.

GET api/Products/GetProduct/{id}

Gets the product.

POST api/Products/InsertProduct

Inserts a new product.

POST api/Products/UpdateProduct

Updates the product.

POST api/Products/DeleteProduct/{id}

Deletes the product.

GET api/Products/GetProductItems/{id}?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets the product items.

GET api/Products/GetProductItem/{id}

Gets the product item.

POST api/Products/AddProductItemToProduct

Adds a product item to product.

POST api/Products/UpdateProductItemToProduct

Updates the product item to product.

POST api/Products/DeleteProductItem/{id}

Deletes the product item

GET api/Products/GetProductsCustomFields/{id}

Gets custom fields for product

GET api/Products/GetProductsCustomField/{id}

Gets the custom field

POST api/Products/CreateProductCustomField

Creates new custom field

POST api/Products/EditProductCustomField

Edits the product custom field

POST api/Products/SetProductCustomFieldsOrder/{id}

Sets product custom fields order

POST api/Products/DeleteProductCustomField/{id}

Deletes the product custom field

POST api/Products/SearchProducts

Search products

POST api/Products/SearchProductItems

Search product items


Work with embedded Reports. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

POST api/Reports/GetWorkSheetFromTickets

Gets work sheet data related to tickets.

POST api/Reports/GetSatisfactions

No documentation available.

POST api/Reports/GetOperatorsPerformance

Gets operators performance report.


GET api/Requestor/Version

Gets the version of the Requestor web application and the API version.


GET api/Statistics/GetFirstResponseTime?ticketId={ticketId}&serviceId={serviceId}&ticketType={ticketType}&fromUtc={fromUtc}&untilUtc={untilUtc}

Gets the first response times in Tickets.

GET api/Statistics/GetTicketWithoutOperatorTime?ticketId={ticketId}&serviceId={serviceId}&ticketType={ticketType}&fromUtc={fromUtc}&untilUtc={untilUtc}

Gets the times how long Tickets are without any operator.

GET api/Statistics/GetFirstOperatorMessageReplyTime?ticketId={ticketId}&serviceId={serviceId}&ticketType={ticketType}&fromUtc={fromUtc}&untilUtc={untilUtc}&userProviderKey={userProviderKey}

Gets the first reply times of operators in Tickets.

GET api/Statistics/GetOperatorMessageReplyTime?ticketId={ticketId}&serviceId={serviceId}&ticketType={ticketType}&fromUtc={fromUtc}&untilUtc={untilUtc}&userProviderKey={userProviderKey}

Gets the times how quickly operators replies to submitter's messages in Tickets.


Works with tags. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods. Only the role of administrator has access.

GET api/Tags/GetTags?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Tags. Pagination is supported.

GET api/Tags/GetTag/{id}

Gets Tag's details.

POST api/Tags/CreateTag

Creates a new Tag.

POST api/Tags/UpdateTag

Update a Tag.

POST api/Tags/DeleteTag/{id}

Deletes Tag by id.


Work with Tickets (End-User Tickets, Incidents, Service Requests ...). Basic Authentication is needed by default.

GET api/Tickets/GetTickets?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Tickets visible to the user. Pagination is supported.

POST api/Tickets/GetTickets

Gets a list of Tickets visible to the user based on advanced filtering.

POST api/Tickets/NewTicket

Creates a new Ticket.

POST api/Tickets/AddRelatedTickets

Adds relation between tickets.

POST api/Tickets/RemoveRelatedTickets

Removes realation between tickets.

GET api/Tickets/GetTicket/{id}?plainTextOnly={plainTextOnly}

Gets Ticket's details.

GET api/Tickets/GetTicketUserMessage/{id}?plainTextOnly={plainTextOnly}

Gets the Ticket User Message.

GET api/Tickets/GetAttachment/{id}

Gets the Ticket's attachment. Basic Authentication is NOT needed.

POST api/Tickets/NewMessage

Creates a new message (comment or email reply) in the Ticket.

POST api/Tickets/WorkflowPush

Pushes forward Ticket's state.

GET api/Tickets/GetServicesForNewTicket?ticketType={ticketType}

Gets a list of available Services to which the user can submit a Ticket.

GET api/Tickets/GetServicesForTicketsFilter

Gets a list of available Services by which the user can filter Tickets.

GET api/Tickets/GetTicketTypes

Gets a list of available Ticket Types.

POST api/Tickets/NewAnonymousTicket

Creates a new anonymous ticket. If the user's email is not registered, the new user account will be created - if the Requestor is configured so, otherwise bad request is returned.

GET api/Tickets/GetViewsForTicketsFilter

Gets a list of available Views by which the user can filter Tickets.

GET api/Tickets/GetTicketUserSources

Gets a list of available TicketUserSources by which the user can create Tickets.

POST api/Tickets/Vote

Adds a vote to the ticket.

POST api/Tickets/Unvote

To reverse or annul by ticket's vote.

GET api/Tickets/GetWorkflowParameters?ticketREF={ticketREF}&ticketAction={ticketAction}

Gets available options for the Ticket Action. It returns available operators or services. If both of these collection are null, there is no need to select (post to WorkflowPush method) anything. This situation (calling this method unnecessarily) should be prevented by respecting flag ExtraParameterIsNeeded from AllAvailableTicketActions when GetTicket() is called.

GET api/Tickets/GetWorkflowParameters?ticketId={ticketId}&ticketAction={ticketAction}

Gets available options for the Ticket Action. It returns available operators or services. If both of these collection are null, there is no need to select (post to WorkflowPush method) anything. This situation (calling this method unnecessarily) should be prevented by respecting flag ExtraParameterIsNeeded from AllAvailableTicketActions when GetTicket() is called.

POST api/Tickets/SearchTickets

Searches tickets by posted parameters

POST api/Tickets/DeleteMessage/{id}

Deletes the message (comment) by its id

POST api/Tickets/EditMessage

Updates the message (comment).

POST api/Tickets/UpdateCustomForm

Updates ticket's custom form fields. You can send one or more ticket custom form field values to update. If you need to get the custom form definition first, use GET api/CustomForms/GetCustomFormsForTicket/{id}.

POST api/Tickets/ChangeService

Changes the ticket's service. This can be done by an operator (solver or manager) or by an administrator to an open ticket.

POST api/Tickets/ChangeSubmitter

Changes the ticket's submitter. Only operator can do it.

POST api/Tickets/ChangeSolver

Changes the ticket's operator. Only operator can do it.

POST api/Tickets/InviteUser

Invites the user into the ticket.

POST api/Tickets/RemoveInvitation

Removes the invitation of the user in the ticket.

POST api/Tickets/CloseTicket

Closes the ticket.

POST api/Tickets/ChangeSubject

Changes the ticket's subject.

POST api/Tickets/AddTag

Add Tag to Ticket.

POST api/Tickets/RemoveTag

Remove Tag from Ticket.

POST api/Tickets/CreateAndAddUnstaticTag

Creates a new unstatic Tag and adds it to the Ticket.

POST api/Tickets/AddProductItem

Adds the product items to the ticket.

POST api/Tickets/RemoveProductItem

Removes the product items from the ticket.

GET api/Tickets/GetTags/{id}?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Ticket's Tags. Pagination is supported.

POST api/Tickets/TicketsTransfer

Transfer tickets from the user to another with the same role. Only administrator can do it.

POST api/Tickets/CloneTicket

Can clone the ticket. Only the administrator, manager, the solver can do it

GET api/Tickets/GetJiraTickets/{id}?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Jira's tickets for ticket. Pagination is supported.

POST api/Tickets/LinkJiraTickets

Create links between ticket and Jira's tickets

POST api/Tickets/SetPostponedUntil

Methods allow you to set reminder if ticket is in the state postpone

POST api/Tickets/SetThirdPartyAttributes

Sets the third party attributes when the ticket is in Waiting for a third party state.

GET api/Tickets/GetResolutionText/{id}

Returns the ticket Resolution text

POST api/Tickets/SetResolutionText

Sets the ticket Resolution text.


Work with Track time projects for track time records. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/TrackTimeProjects/GetProjects?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all Track time projects. Pagination is supported.

GET api/TrackTimeProjects/GetProject/{id}

Gets the Track time project's details.

POST api/TrackTimeProjects/NewProject

Creates a new Track time project.

POST api/TrackTimeProjects/EditProject

Edits the Track time project.

POST api/TrackTimeProjects/DeleteProject/{id}

Deletes the Track time project.


Work with track time records. Basic Authentication is needed for all methods.

GET api/TrackTimeRecords/GetRecords?pageIndex={pageIndex}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of all track time records. Pagination is supported.

POST api/TrackTimeRecords/GetRecords

Gets the list of track time records based on advanced filtering.

GET api/TrackTimeRecords/GetRecord/{id}

Gets the track time's details.

POST api/TrackTimeRecords/NewRecord

Creates a new track time record.

POST api/TrackTimeRecords/EditRecord

Edits the track time record.

POST api/TrackTimeRecords/DeleteRecord/{id}

Deletes the track time record.

POST api/TrackTimeRecords/Summation

No documentation available.