POST api/Tickets/NewTicket
Creates a new Ticket.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
NewTicketPostName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Type |
(Required) Ticket type to create. |
TicketTypeEnum |
None. |
ServiceId |
Service Id, optional for TIC, required for other types (INC, REQ, PRO, CHG). |
integer |
None. |
TicketUserSourceID |
TicketUserSource Id, if not specified, API is used |
integer |
None. |
Subject |
(Required) Subject. |
string |
None. |
Message |
(Required) Description details. |
string |
None. |
Html |
True if the Message is in html format. |
boolean |
None. |
IsMobileDevice |
If true, the ticket has been sent from a mobile device (phone, tablet). |
boolean |
None. |
Attachments |
(Optional) Attachments |
Collection of NewAttachment |
None. |
CustomForms |
(Optional) The Custom Forms data. |
Collection of CustomFormNewTicketPost |
None. |
Priorities |
The prority value id. |
Collection of PriorityData |
None. |
CustomerId |
(Optional) Bind the ticket with Customer. |
integer |
None. |
ServiceMailboxId |
(Optional) Bind the ticket with service mailbox. If binded, the ticket will behave as it has came into the system by e-mail. That primarily means the email replies will be send instead of email notifications if the service mailbox is set as shielded from the Requestor. |
integer |
None. |
SubmitterUserProviderKey |
(Optional) If specified, a client (requester) of the ticket will be set (to someone else than to the authorized in user). Authorized user must have administrator, superoperator or operator role. |
string |
None. |
SubmitterEmail |
(Optional) If specified, a client (requester) of the ticket is searched in the system. If not found, it will be created new account automatically. Authorized user must have administrator, superoperator or operator role. |
string |
None. |
SolverUserProviderKey |
(Optional) If specified, a solver of the ticket will be set. The Operator role is required. |
string |
None. |
CloseImmediately |
If true, the ticket will be closed immediately. The Operator role is required. |
boolean |
None. |
CategoryItemsIds |
(Optional) The category items id. |
Collection of integer |
None. |
ProductItemsIds |
(Optional) The product items id. |
Collection of integer |
None. |
Tags |
(Optional) The tag names to be added. Fill the names of tags you want to add when the ticket is created. If the tag with the same name (case insensitive) already exists in the system list, it will be binded. If it doesn't it will be created with default colors first and then binded. |
Collection of string |
None. |
SendViaOutboundEmail |
If true, the ticket will be created and sent to the requester by email. |
boolean |
None. |
SendViaOutboundEmailFrom |
The From field Email address when the email for requester is created. It has to correspond to the email address of the selected mailbox (ServiceMailboxId). If SendViaOutboundEmail is true, this is required. |
string |
None. |
SendViaOutboundEmailTo |
Email recipient (= ticket requester). If SendViaOutboundEmail is true, this is required. |
string |
None. |
SendViaOutboundEmailCc |
(Optional) CC (carbon copy) emails. |
Collection of string |
None. |
SendViaOutboundEmailBcc |
(Optional) BCC (blind carbon copy) emails. |
Collection of string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Type": 1, "ServiceId": null, "TicketUserSourceID": 5, "Subject": "I cannot access to the net printer", "Message": "I don't know why, it was operating yesterday.", "Html": false, "IsMobileDevice": false, "Attachments": [ { "FileName": "sample.txt", "ContentType": "text/plain", "ContentLength": 5, "Data": "aGVsbG8=" } ], "CustomForms": [ { "CustomFormId": 1, "ServiceId": null, "CategoryItemId": 1, "CustomFormFieldsData": [ { "CustomFormFieldId": 14, "TextBoxValue": "Typed text", "DecimalValue": null, "IntegerValue": null, "CheckBoxValue": null, "DateValue": null, "SelectedCustomFormFieldItemId": null, "CustomFormFieldItems": null }, { "CustomFormFieldId": 15, "TextBoxValue": null, "DecimalValue": null, "IntegerValue": 11, "CheckBoxValue": null, "DateValue": null, "SelectedCustomFormFieldItemId": null, "CustomFormFieldItems": null }, { "CustomFormFieldId": 16, "TextBoxValue": null, "DecimalValue": null, "IntegerValue": null, "CheckBoxValue": null, "DateValue": null, "SelectedCustomFormFieldItemId": 68, "CustomFormFieldItems": null }, { "CustomFormFieldId": 17, "TextBoxValue": null, "DecimalValue": null, "IntegerValue": null, "CheckBoxValue": true, "DateValue": null, "SelectedCustomFormFieldItemId": null, "CustomFormFieldItems": null }, { "CustomFormFieldId": 18, "TextBoxValue": null, "DecimalValue": null, "IntegerValue": null, "CheckBoxValue": null, "DateValue": null, "SelectedCustomFormFieldItemId": null, "CustomFormFieldItems": [ { "CheckBoxValue": false, "CustomFormFieldItemId": 200 }, { "CheckBoxValue": true, "CustomFormFieldItemId": 201 } ] } ] } ], "CustomerId": null, "ServiceMailboxId": 2, "SubmitterUserProviderKey": null, "SubmitterEmail": null, "SolverUserProviderKey": null, "CloseImmediately": false, "CategoryItemsIds": null, "ProductItemsIds": null, "Tags": [ "První štítek", "Druhý štítek" ], "SendViaOutboundEmail": true, "SendViaOutboundEmailFrom": "", "SendViaOutboundEmailTo": "", "SendViaOutboundEmailCc": [ "", "" ], "SendViaOutboundEmailBcc": null }
application/xml, text/xml
<NewTicketPost xmlns:i=""> <Attachments xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:NewAttachment> <d2p1:ContentLength>5</d2p1:ContentLength> <d2p1:ContentType>text/plain</d2p1:ContentType> <d2p1:Data>aGVsbG8=</d2p1:Data> <d2p1:FileName>sample.txt</d2p1:FileName> </d2p1:NewAttachment> </Attachments> <CategoryItemsIds xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <CloseImmediately>false</CloseImmediately> <CustomForms xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost> <d2p1:CategoryItemId>1</d2p1:CategoryItemId> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldsData> <d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData> <d2p1:CheckBoxValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldId>14</d2p1:CustomFormFieldId> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldItems i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:DateValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:DecimalValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:IntegerValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:SelectedCustomFormFieldItemId i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:TextBoxValue>Typed text</d2p1:TextBoxValue> </d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData> <d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData> <d2p1:CheckBoxValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldId>15</d2p1:CustomFormFieldId> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldItems i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:DateValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:DecimalValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:IntegerValue>11</d2p1:IntegerValue> <d2p1:SelectedCustomFormFieldItemId i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:TextBoxValue i:nil="true" /> </d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData> <d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData> <d2p1:CheckBoxValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldId>16</d2p1:CustomFormFieldId> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldItems i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:DateValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:DecimalValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:IntegerValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:SelectedCustomFormFieldItemId>68</d2p1:SelectedCustomFormFieldItemId> <d2p1:TextBoxValue i:nil="true" /> </d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData> <d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData> <d2p1:CheckBoxValue>true</d2p1:CheckBoxValue> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldId>17</d2p1:CustomFormFieldId> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldItems i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:DateValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:DecimalValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:IntegerValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:SelectedCustomFormFieldItemId i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:TextBoxValue i:nil="true" /> </d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData> <d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData> <d2p1:CheckBoxValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldId>18</d2p1:CustomFormFieldId> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldItems> <d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData.CustomFormFieldItemData> <d2p1:CheckBoxValue>false</d2p1:CheckBoxValue> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldItemId>200</d2p1:CustomFormFieldItemId> </d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData.CustomFormFieldItemData> <d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData.CustomFormFieldItemData> <d2p1:CheckBoxValue>true</d2p1:CheckBoxValue> <d2p1:CustomFormFieldItemId>201</d2p1:CustomFormFieldItemId> </d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData.CustomFormFieldItemData> </d2p1:CustomFormFieldItems> <d2p1:DateValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:DecimalValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:IntegerValue i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:SelectedCustomFormFieldItemId i:nil="true" /> <d2p1:TextBoxValue i:nil="true" /> </d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost.CustomFormFieldData> </d2p1:CustomFormFieldsData> <d2p1:CustomFormId>1</d2p1:CustomFormId> <d2p1:ServiceId i:nil="true" /> </d2p1:CustomFormNewTicketPost> </CustomForms> <CustomerId i:nil="true" /> <Html>false</Html> <IsMobileDevice>false</IsMobileDevice> <Message>I don't know why, it was operating yesterday.</Message> <ProductItemsIds xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <SendViaOutboundEmail>true</SendViaOutboundEmail> <SendViaOutboundEmailBcc xmlns:d2p1="" i:nil="true" /> <SendViaOutboundEmailCc xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:string></d2p1:string> <d2p1:string></d2p1:string> </SendViaOutboundEmailCc> <SendViaOutboundEmailFrom></SendViaOutboundEmailFrom> <SendViaOutboundEmailTo></SendViaOutboundEmailTo> <ServiceId i:nil="true" /> <ServiceMailboxId>2</ServiceMailboxId> <SolverUserProviderKey i:nil="true" /> <Subject>I cannot access to the net printer</Subject> <SubmitterEmail i:nil="true" /> <SubmitterUserProviderKey i:nil="true" /> <Tags xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:string>První štítek</d2p1:string> <d2p1:string>Druhý štítek</d2p1:string> </Tags> <TicketUserSourceID>5</TicketUserSourceID> <Type>EndUserTicket</Type> </NewTicketPost>
Response Information
Resource Description
Returns ticket REF
NewTicketResultName | Description | Type | Additional information |
TicketREF |
Reference ID of the newly created Ticket |
string |
None. |
TicketId |
The unique identifier of the newly created Ticket |
integer |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "TicketREF": "TIC-000023", "TicketId": 123 }
application/xml, text/xml
<NewTicketResult xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <TicketId>123</TicketId> <TicketREF>TIC-000023</TicketREF> </NewTicketResult>